Quick Facts

New Zealand

Location: New Zealand lies southeast of Australia between latitudes 34 degrees south and 47 degrees south.

Area: 268,680 sq km (103,737 sq miles)

Population: 4.37 million (June 2010)

Capital city: Wellington

Major cities: Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin

People: New Zealand European, Maori, other European, Pacific Islander, Asian

Languages: English, Maori, New Zealand Sign Language

Religions: Anglican, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist

Currency: New Zealand dollar (NZD)

Government: Unicameral House of Representatives – (commonly called Parliament)

Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II

Prime Minister: John Key (since November 2008)

Foreign Minister: Murray McCully

Main exports: Wool, food and dairy products, wood and paper products