On Spot Admission Assessment Session

Meet College Representative – Mr. Bhanu Vashishth, Associate Director

One to One Counseling Session

1-  Consistently ranked among the very best of Ontario’s colleges for graduate employment as well as student, graduate and employer satisfaction

2-  More than 120 full-time certificate, diploma, degree and post-graduate programs, many with co-op options

3-  Students are among friends with 800 international students from 53 countries in an overall full-time student population of 14,000

4-  New educational facilities that provide state-of-the art training in a variety of in-demand fields

5-  Career-focused education that provides theoretical and hands-on training for professional success

6-  Bridging programs and university agreements that provide opportunities to earn multiple credentials – degrees and diplomas

7-  Dedicated services to ensure smooth and successful transitions and provide ongoing academic and social support throughout studies

8-  Welcoming, inclusive, respectful environment that celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity

World-class arts and culture, a booming high-tech industry, renowned academic institutions and easy access to sports and leisure facilities as well as some of Canada’s most beautiful natural landscapes