Can any one get exemption in security deposit?

Exemption from the security deposit requirement may be granted to:

  •  Holders of valid Dependent’s Pass, long term social visit pass and work pass
  •  Foreign students who study in kindergartens registered with Ministry of Education / Childcare centers licensed by MCYS
  • Foreign students who attend a full-time course at an approved Private Education Institution that is awarded Singapore Quality Class for Private Education Organization, or SQC(PEO) by SPRING, Singapore
  •  Foreign students who pursue a full-time university degree (Graduate / Post-Graduate) programme at an approved private education institution, except for the University of London (UOL) tuition programme.
  •  Below 16 years old at the point of application
  •  Malaysians / Brunei nationals
  • Children or Spouse of Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents